Bronze and Blue Arrows Icon What is the CDBG?

CDBG (Community Development Block Grant Program) funding has been provided to Haverford Township by the US Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) for 33 years. The amount of funding each year is determined by the Congressional Budget.

These funds are meant to assist low and low/moderate income Township residents in a variety of ways, including but not limited to street improvement, park/playground improvements, assistance to senior citizens and direct assistance to homeowners for housing rehabilitation. There is also a limited amount of funding (a maximum of 15% of the Grant by law) set aside for eligible Non-Profits who are providing assistance to Haverford residents. Congress sets the limits on what is low and low/moderate income each year. Assistance, other than direct benefit assistance to low and low/moderate income residents, must be provided in what HUD classifies as low/mod census tracts and block groups(current map ) These areas are delineated by the Census response from residents and remain in effect for 10 years until the next Census. That is just one of the reasons completing the CENSUS is so vital.

Haverford also received special funding from HUD, under the CARES act for a variety of projects related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Bronze and Blue Arrows Icon How can CDBG HUD funds assist you?

Housing Rehabilitation

If you own your home and meet the attached current Income Limits, you may apply for funding that will be used to make improvements to your home that relate to health and safety and update your current major home components such as your roof, heater, hot water heater, and electrical system. If you believe you qualify and are interested in receiving an application, please call 610-352-5555.

Bronze and Blue Arrows Icon Additional Information

Action Plan

Haverford is awarded funding from HUD once a year. In order to receive that funding, the Township must submit an Action Plan to HUD outlining the proposed use of those funds. All funds must be used in accordance with the CDBG rules and regulations set forth by Congress. The date of the notification of the amount of the annual award varies and is directly tied to the passage by Congress of the annual Federal budget. In recent years, the amount has been in the range of approximately $750,000.

Once an award notice is received by the Township, input is requested by the residents and interested parties relating to how the funds will be used.

Public Hearings are held and the proposed use of funds is advertised in the local newspaper. Each year the award amount and the proposed use of funds will also be posted here. Copies of the full Action Plan are available upon request.

Haverford is also required to submit an annual report on how the funds were used and how many low and low/moderate income residents were benefitted using those funds. The report is called a CAPER (Consolidated Annual Performance Report). HUD evaluates that report and sends a letter to Haverford outlining their review of the Township's program. Copies of the CAPER and the HUD evaluation letter are available upon request.

Haverford Township Current Income Limits

You may be eligible for assistance if the total GROSS income of all person living in your house* is less than:

(effective 05/01/2024)

Household Size Total Income **Less Than
1 $64,250
2 $73,400
3 $82,600
4 $91,750
5 $99,100
6 $106,450
7 $113,800
8 $121,150
If the number of persons in your house is larger than eight (8) please call 610-352-5555 for more information

*The income of any person listed on the deed, even if they do not live at the property at the present time, must also be taken into account.

**Total GROSS (not adjusted/taxable) income for the year 2023, including earned income, pensions, workmen’s compensation, welfare, unemployment, child support, alimony, dividend income, interest income, social security, rents received for rental property(s), etc. Note; If you have a reverse mortage, you will not be eligible for assistance.