Bronze and Blue Arrows Icon Haverford Township is committed to public outreach and education to assist residents and local businesses to improve storm water management, reduce flooding and improve ground water quality.

Protecting Our Environment

To protect our streams and waterways, we need to protect our storm sewer system. If you witness dumping occurring into the Township's storm sewers (liquid or solid), please call the Haverford Township Police Department at 911.

If you see obstructions of a storm inlet, or see a chemical liquid running into a storm inlet, call 610-446-1000, ext. 2263 or 2264 to speak with the Public Works Department.

Help Fight Eutrophication of our Streams & Bays

Excess nitrogen and phosphorus entering our streams through storm water runoff can lead to eutrophic conditions, including rapid nuisance algae growth, episodes of dangerously low dissolved oxygen, degraded fish habitat and even fish kills. Once in a stream, these nutrients tend to remain in the aquatic environment and accumulate downstream in reservoirs, estuaries and coastal waters, where eutrophic conditions can have a major impact on highly valued recreational waters, beaches and fisheries.

Sources of excess nitrogen and phosphorus include farm animals, agriculture, septic/waste water systems and soil erosion, but the one most easily controlled by homeowners is the frequency and type of lawn fertilization. Here's what you can do to reduce the impact of lawn fertilization on our streams and bays:

1. Select a fertilizer which has a "slow release" form of nitrogen, which takes longer to break down.

2. Recycle your grass clippings, which will substitute for 25-50% of your fertilizer needs.

3. Cut back on the frequency of the fertilization to once or twice a year.

4. Consider phosphorus-free forms of fertilizer; you can mail a sample of your soil to Penn State to analyze what if any amendments are needed.